2023 State of Deepfakes by Home Security Heroes

Àmbits Temàtics

In an era of rapid tech­no­lo­gical progress, deep­fakes have become a concern in digital devel­op­ment. This report is a mile­stone in an ongo­ing series that thor­oughly exam­ines the ins and outs of deep­fake tech­no­logy, reveal­ing its evolving capab­il­it­ies and immin­ent threats.

Through rigor­ous research, we aim to empower indi­vidu­als and organ­iz­a­tions with the know­ledge to respons­ibly navig­ate the complex world of deep­fakes. Our work stems from a compre­hens­ive analysis of 95,820 deep­fake videos, 85 dedic­ated chan­nels across online plat­forms, and a metic­u­lous review of over 100 websites linked to the deep­fake ecosys­tem.

This 2023 state of deep­fakes: real­it­ies, threats, and impact review is a power­ful tool for foster­ing aware­ness of deep­fake tech­no­logy and protect­ing the masses from its negat­ive effects. Join us as we uncover the layers of the state of deep­fakes, reveal­ing real­it­ies, high­light­ing threats, and explor­ing the tech­no­logy’s profound impact.


Photo by Kirill Balob­anov / Unplash